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If you are curious as to why I turned this into a music video or what my specific thoughts on the JFK assassination are- I wanted to highlight the shot and the damage evidenced by the Zapruder film. As you can see in this video, the shot blows the top of his head off. That means- (In no particular order)
The shot did not come from behind or above.
It was not a high speed rifle round.
It looks to be a hollow point pistol round, possibly a .357, 45, or anything in between.
The trajectory (upward path of the bullet necessary to blow the top of his head off) puts the shooter in the car with Kennedy.
Jackie reacts as if the shot came from within the car.
Her immediate instinct is not to take cover in the car, but to escape out the back.
She was escaping not going after a piece of his skull.
In fact, she put her hand through his head to propel her onto the trunk of the car, while scrambling out the back.
She was prevented from escaping by an SS agent who showed zero interest in protecting the President.
He was intercepting Jackie and pointing at the object/evidence on the other side of the trunk, motioning for her to pick it up.
At the point where the shooting starts, the SS agents normally beside the car had left their positions and gotten out of the way.
The motorcycle officers had also gotten out of the way.
The SS agents normally stationed on the back of the car had gotten off and gotten out of the way.
The public was cordoned off, away from that spot, leaving the area around the car cleared of potential collateral damage.
The rest of the street was packed 3 deep on both sides.
After the 1st shot, the driver hits the brakes and then looks back at Kennedy.
The limo nearly comes to a stop, with both the driver and front passenger (both SS agents) looking back at the scene, only resuming the drive and accelerating once JFK was killed.
The Governor of Texas slammed violently and intentionally back into his wife, clearing the area between the 2 SS agents up front and Kennedy.
The behavior of everyone involved, other than Kennedy, does not match up with standard operating procedures or any of the official story. Jackie literally slams her hand into his skull and through his brain to get out of the car. Not something a woman who only wanted to retrieve a piece of his skull because she loved him so much, would do.
And that brings up another point, his skull and brain were destroyed. What the hell were the doctors trying to save when he got to the Emergency Room. There is no way to resuscitate a headless person. So, we know their stories are BS.
Her story was BS.
The Warren Commission story was BS.
Also, who special FXed his head for the autopsy pictures and official report, which do not show the top of his head blown off?
The whole scene looks to be a produced reality where in everyone but Kennedy knew what was going to happen. Unfortunately, for the plan, the first shots failed to kill him, so they went with the contingency plan of pulling the trigger on a gun in the car. Not expecting that part, Jackie got spooked and fled, almost. The SS agents where there to contain the situation, control the evidence and witnesses, but not to stop the situation from happening. In fact, one of them fired the last ditch kill shot.
This event would seem to have been better planned and thought out, but implemented with equal incompetence as last year’s SS controlled assassination attempt on Trump. If the same crew had planned the latest one, there would have been a gun with a remote trigger placed within the lectern Trump was standing at, in case their patsy missed, as he did.
Well, those are my thoughts on the evidence on hand.
Here are the lyrics to the song,
Hey, Jackie O! by Andi Vendetta West (Yeah, me…)
Hey, Jackie O! Yeah, what a fuckin' survivor.
Got paid and laid for not saying that it was the driver.
Sure, you jumped out the back for some of his head.
Then you married a King. Too bad Johnny's dead.Hey, Jackie O! Please, tell us your side.
Please, tell us all the reason why our President died.
What did you see? What did you hide.?
What scared you enough to jump out of your ride?Hey, Jackie O! Have ya seen what you've done?
They didn't just kill your man, they buried your son.
A pound of flesh, was that your pay?
Was silence revenge, you got that day?Hey, Jackie O! We’ve all been waiting for years .
We want to know what you hid behind all of those tears .
What kept you quiet? Did you fear for your life?
You never lived up to being a dead President’s wife.Hey, Jackie O! You know I just gotta ask.
Were you ever for real or was it all just a mask?
From those tears in your eyes, and from your every breath.
We got perpetual war. We got perpetual death.Since you've been gone, we’ve all been programmed and trained.
To see those telling the truth, like they’re fuckin’ insane.
So hey, Jackie O, wanna see something new?
See, it's all fucked up, all thanks to you.Thanks to you.
No thank you.
Fuck you!
Fuck you!!
repeated 7x ish
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