
Your Wylin' Ways

Wrote this break up letter to the DNC about 8 years after I was the NM class petitioner for the Beck & Lee class action lawsuit against the DNC for their 2016 Primary fraud. Better late than what?

Also, I’m reposting this because the previous posting was the totally wrong audio version. This one has the wrong lyric video, but the right audio and I don’t care enough about the lyrical errors (Visual/Semantic) to make a new video today. Here are the correct visual sematic lyrics..

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I'm sick of your eyes. sick of your face

I'm sick of the lies you tell every place

That your bullshit flies is such a disgrace

I'm wondering why, you're still here, ace

Cuz no one would cry if you were shot into space

And I still wanna try n crack your skull with my bass

so I'm hoping you die without leaving a trace

just so that I don't pick up a case

Cuz i ain't afraid to say what i say

And i ain't afraid of judgment day

and I ain't afraid of you , no way

cuz I ain't afraid of dying today

What's that ya say, you think it's ok?

I guess there's no way, you wouldn't get paid

And i gotta say, you should be afraid

Of your wylin' ways on judgment Day

I can't find a way to thrive in the US of A

Cuz there ain’t no way I'm selling my soul today

What's that ya say about freedom today?

That it's all ok, maybe it's just delayed?

What's that ya say about America today?

that it's ok? How much were you paid?

how much were you paid for your wylin' ways?

how much did they pay to take your soul away?

How can you look in your kids eyes and say

daddy betrayed all your futures away

Your honor's betrayed but your debts are all paid

back in the day we may’ve we thought it ok

to just look away in the US of A

But now there's no way to avoid the fray

to stay ok and away in this fascist parade

I'm betting you'll stay licking boots everyday

I'd rather be flayed and laid away

I can't find a way to respect the US of A

I can't find a way to pay due respect for your wylin' ways.

What's that ya say, you think it's ok?

I guess there's no way, you wouldn't get paid

And i gotta say, you should be afraid

Of your wylin' ways on judgment Day

Cuz i ain't afraid to say what i say

And i ain't afraid of judgment day

And i gotta say, you should be afraid

Of your wylin' ways on judgment Day

Cuz I ain't afraid to die today

And there ain't no way that I'll turn and walk away

So you may wanna pray to your god for mercy today

Cuz there's just no way I'm letting you slip away

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