A few basic details to begin with. Wood ignites at around 500F and it incinerates 1100F and above. Steel Softens at 1200F and melts at 2600F. Automotive glass melts at 2500 and incinerates at a much higher temp.
For the LA Fires to be what is claimed, each of these areas would have had to peak at a temperature capable of doing the damage shown in this video. That means that not only the trailers would have had to have achieved a temperature around 2500 degrees, but so would the materials around them and that is definitely not the case. The trees between the trailers never reached anywhere near 1100F while the frames of each of these trailers heated to somewhere between 1200F - 2500F.
That is because the vegetation was not the heat source. The heat source was the metal in the trailers themselves.
That means they were not wildfires, they were attacks from directed energy weapons. More specifically, they were the result of weaponized microwave energy emitters. We have had the tech since before we had microwave ovens.
Do I think they would use it? Of course they would.
How do we stop them? Make sure everyone you know can see it for what it is.
If you have ever thrown a fork or piece of foil into your microwave oven, then you’ve actually seen the effect I’m suggesting was at work here.
Please share this video with everyone you know. Silence at this point guarantees that these guys will keep doing this and will eventuality do it to your neighborhood, also.
A link to the original video-
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