ChatGPT and its Graphics interface DALLE have been getting creepier and creepier in their portrayal of humanity. Take a good look at these images and do you notice anything odd?
For the record, here is the prompt I used.
A photo realistic image of a dark room, in the center is a full length mirror with nothing showing in it.It is surrounded by large computer monitors showing fashion super models and beautiful people.
And this was the follow up-
My prompt to edit the original photo-
please place a thin ghost like human in the mirror
In case nothing stands out to you, let me spotlight of few of the images. Although this is only 4 of them, they all seem to have the same content-
Yep, DALLE’s recognition of supermodels and attractive people all happen to be murder victims laid out like Dahmer corpses. I work in IT and Web Development. I am a technophile. I have been looking forward to the advances in AI for most of my life, but I think it might be time to pull the plug on this shit. I mean, this is what it thinks we look like already, imagine what it will do when it gets the tools to make us look like it thinks we should look.
I am going to go disconnect all my computers, turn my phone off, throw it into a Faraday bag, and spend the rest of my night sitting in the middle of my bed shaking in terror. This should make you do the same. I mean, WTF have they been training this thing on, John Podesta’s secret email stash?
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